BS Zoology

Eligibility: F.Sc or equivalent

1st Semester
Cource Code Cource Name Credit Hrs
ZGE101 Functional English (3CH)
ZGE102 Ideology and Constitution of Pakistan (2CH)
GBT101 Plant Diversity (3CH)
ZGE103 Fundamentals of Management (3CH)
FZO101 Animal Diversity-I (Invertebrates) (4CH)
ZGE104 Application of Information & Communication Technology (3CH)
2nd Semester
GBT102 Plant systematics (3CH)
ZGE105 Pakistan Studies (2CH)
ZGE106 Entrepreneurship (2CH)
FZO102 Animal Diversity-II (Chordates) (4CH)
ZGE107 Civics & Community Engagement (2CH)
FZO103 Cell Biology (3CH)
ZGE108 Islamic Studies/Ethics (2CH)
3rd Semester
ZGE209 Quantitative Reasoning-1 (3CH)
GBT203 Plant physiology (3CH)
ZGE210 Expository Writing (3CH)
GCH204 Environmental Chemistry (3CH)
ZGE211 Geography (2CH)
FZO204 Animal Form & Function–I (4CH)
4th Semester
MZO201 Animal Behavior (3CH)
FZO205 Biochemistry-I (3CH)
MZO202 Biological Techniques (3CH)
FZO206 Animal Form & Function-II (3CH)
ZGE212 Quantitative Reasoning-II (3CH)
5th Semester
FZO307 Economic Zoology (3CH)
FZO308 Biochemistry-II (3CH)
MZO303 Animal Physiology (4CH)
MZO304 Ecology (3CH)
FZO309 Evolution (2CH)
INT301 Internship (3CH)
6th Semester
MZO305 Research Methodology (2CH)
FZO310 Principles of Systematic (3CH)
MZO306 Developmental Biology (4CH)
MZO307 Genetics (4CH)
MZO308 Wildlife (3CH)
7th Semester
MZO409 Research Project-I (3CH)
GST404 Biostatistics (3CH)
EZO401 Fisheries-I/Parasitology-I/Entomology-I (3CH)
EZO402 Bio Technology (3CH)
MZO410 Molecular Biology (3CH)
8th Semester
MZO411 Bioinformatics (3CH)
MZO412 Research Project-II (3CH)
EZO403 Fisheries-II/Parasitology-II/Entomology-II (3CH)
EZO404 Mammalogy/Immunology (3CH)
MZO413 Zoogeography & Paleontology (3CH)

Dean of Faculties

Dean, Faculty of Social Sciences
Dean, Faculty of Engineering
Dean, Faculty of Sciences and IT