Ph.D Political Science

Eligibility Criteria:
1. M.Phil or Equivalent in related Subjects
2.  Students acquiring 3.0 CGPA or above in the M.Phil/MS may apply for conversion of M.Phil/MS into Ph.D.
3.  Passing of GRE type entry test (International)and interview supervised by the Admission Committee are compulsory
Scheme of Studies:
Course Work:18 CH
Thesis: 9 Credit Hours
1st Semester
Cource Code Cource Name Credit Hrs
PS700 Political Dynamics of Muslim World (3CH)
RMT700 Research Methodology (3CH)
SSC700 History of Human Civilization (3CH)
2nd Semester
P711 Constitutional Development in Pak (3CH)
PS712 International Politics of Asia (3CH)
PS713 Philosphy of Social Sciences (3CH)
3rd & 4th Semester
PS800 Research Thesis & Dissertation (9CH)

Seminar Courses:

PS717 Terrorism A New Phenomenon
IR718 Environmental Issues and World Politics
PS719 Democracy Through War and Violence 
PS720 Democratization of Muslim World: internal and external impdediments

Optional Courses:

RMT700 Research Methodology
PS701 Constitutional Development in Pakistan
PS702 Contemporary Western Thoughts
IR703 Contemporary Muslims thoughts
IR704 Human Rights and Humanitarian Law: Situational Analysis.
IR705 Preemtive Wars and Prospects of International Peace
PS706 Defence and Strategic Studies
PS707 UR Reforms: Performance Approval, Problems and Prospects
RMT708 Guided Research Study
PS719 Evolution of Econmic System
IR710 Foreign Policy of Major Powers
PS711 New Public Management and Good Governance
IR712 Contemporary International Issues
IR713 International Politics of Asia
GEN714 Philosophy of Social Sciences
IR715 Dynamic of the Muslim World
PS716 Nuclear Non-Proliferation

Dean of Faculties

Dean, Faculty of Social Sciences
Dean, Faculty of Engineering
Dean, Faculty of Sciences and IT